Thursday, March 6, 2014

Headline Poem 3/6/14 -- Never Wonder

(Photo credit Google Image)

Chapter 8 of the novel Hard Times by Charles Dickens is titled 'Never Wonder' because wondering is the antithesis of facts, facts, facts. Wondering will get you no where in the novel, during the Insustrial Revolution, or perhaps even in our McDonaldization-driven, irrationally, rational world -- have you guessed it? Today's poem is based on the decision to make the essay portion of the SAT optional. Some claim this makes things more fair and more aligned to the high school education kids are getting today, and others say it sends a mixed, confusing message about writing not being important. Regardless of where you stand, here is today's poem...

Never Wonder

Mr. Gradgrind's Coketown 
will leave you speechless, and thoughtless, and limp
Lift your hand after passing through and it will drop, drop, drop
Dead in its tracks
No questions acceptable 
when the answers we give are always true
No room for I in you 
or in you, or you, or you
Room for rationality 
at all costs
No sense crawling out of the cave
When all you'll get is shot

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