Thursday, February 13, 2014

Headline Poem 2/13/14 -- No one tires

(Photo credit Jane Goodall Institute)

A chimpanzee named Wounda was released into a chimp sanctuary in the Republic of Congo last June. Before she says goodbye, she gives her caregivers hugs. The chimp's name means "close to death," and it is clear she appreciates their efforts to bring her back to health. The video and pictures of this event are just now gaining momentum because Jane Goodall's birthday is in April, and she is hopeful that images like this one will help her foundation raise more funds to save more animals. Today's poem is based loosely on this story.

No one tires

No one tires of the soul's genuine work and wonder,
fresh straw and rice grow without distraction or tampering,
natural the way lovers embrace, after a journey, by the moon, with the sun,
wind the only thing able to change direction

Honey from the bees, smile and say thank you
sweet and warm, there's always a bit that lingers at the bottom of the cup,
it is the sweetest, though many never discover it
drink from the one that's cracked, for it has had use, and is soft
no need to turn it around when visitors come,
the wise know there is no need

The soul's garden reveals when it is full of grief or love, unable to hide in the shadows
open like a mystic's eye that even when closed knows how to see
time lapses with the light, which retires and brings a new day
it will not remember the dirty heat, or the chains which some bear,
it is too in love with living to to feel anything but divine strength
drink it up because that is the essence in which we travel,
in which we are traveled

Sixty years hence, they will say with astonished energy,
remember the tests of nature
like raisins on the ledge,
treasures on the clay, golden from life
intelligent from the simplicity
wise from the freedom
younger because of desire
time wants nothing but what is beauty for the soul,
and no one tires of it

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