Saturday, July 5, 2014

Headline Poem 7/5/14 -- Six kids, four parents, and one epic hike

Six kids, four parents, and one epic hike

we hiked into the wilderness, and got off the beaten path 
to follow smooth rocks, and mosquito beds,
discovering views
and mysteries that 
beckon those willing to go past 
crowded trail heads. 

We plunged through streams and creeks,
enduring a 2,500 feet elevation loss, straight up (and down) cliffs, 
lunched on homemade burritos and fresh salsa all while 
our smiles 
and patience 
in place. 

These are the days I want etched in my mind
until the end of time.

I want my kids to say to theirs... C'mon guys, you're doing great.
I'm going to show you an amazing place...

And when their babies beg, at 9,000 for a snack, or piggy back, 
I hope they laugh, and silently 
send a thank you to their 
Dear mom and pop, 
understanding at that moment
That our mission in life was to make 
theirs fun,
to show them respect for this incredible world, 
and how truly beautiful life is. 

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